Mission, Vision, and Values
The Telcoin Association Constitution articulates a Mission, Vision, and set of Values to serve as a guidepost for the community to order its behavior towards a common cause, vision for the future, and set of ethical standards.
The Telcoin Association Constitution articulates a Mission, Vision, and Values for the Telcoin Association to serve as a guidepost for the all participants in the ecosystem working towards a common cause, vision for the future, and set of ethical standards.
Association Mission, Vision and Values can be updated by Association Governance by the Miner Assembly (using the TGIP process) or by the Platform or Treasury Councils (using the TELIP process).
Telcoin Association Mission
The Telcoin Association’s mission is to connect GSMA Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and a global user base through a shared blockchain infrastructure - the Telcoin Platform - and to sustainably maintain and develop that platform and its decentralized governance, including facilitating legal structure for stakeholders.
Telcoin Association Vision
The Telcoin Association’s vision is to create a globally adopted, self-sustaining ecosystem that aligns GSMA MNOs and mobile phone users across the world around a common, blockchain infrastructure, empowering them with self-custodial products and services and their inclusive, decentralized governance.
Telcoin Association Values
- Clearly Defined Boundaries: Participants who have rights to harvest TEL units from the Telcoin Platform must be clearly defined; the boundaries of the Telcoin Platform must be clearly defined.
- Proportional Equivalence Between Costs and Benefits: Harvesting rules restricting time, place, technology or other benefit are related to local conditions; the benefits obtained by users from the Telcoin Platform, as determined by harvesting rules, are proportional to the amount of inputs required in the form of labor, material, or money, as determined by provisioning rules.
- Collective-choice Arrangements: All Miner groups affected by operational rules can participate in modifying operational rules.
- Monitoring: Monitors are present and actively audit the conditions of the Platform and Miner behavior. Monitors are accountable to or are the Miners.
- Graduated Sanctions: Miners who violate the operational rules are likely to be assessed graduated sanctions (depending on the seriousness and context of the offense) by other Miners, by Council Members, or both.
- Conflict-resolution Mechanisms: Miners and Council Members have rapid access to low-cost local arenas to resolve conflicts among Miners or between Miners and Council Members.
- Minimal Recognition of Rights to Organize: The rights of Miners to devise their own institutions are not challenged by external governmental authorities.
- Nested Enterprises: Harvesting, provision, monitoring, enforcement, conflict resolution, and governance activities are organized in multiple layers of nested enterprises.