
Application Developers: Governance Authority

Developers propose and vote in governance within their Miner Group based on their pro-rata share of TEL staked on TAN versus other Developers.

Developers: Governance Authority


As one of the four Miner Groups who collectively possess power within the Telcoin governance system, Developers can exert authority at all three levels of the Telcoin governance system, including at the constitutional level of analysis in which the terms and conditions of governance are set and refined, at the collective-choice level of analysis in which the rules structuring the day to day activities are set, and at the operational-choice level of analysis, where Developers produce and harvest benefits from Telcoin Application Network.

Developers: Political Power and Channel

  • Political Power: An individual developer’s proposal and voting power in governance is based on their pro-rata share of TEL staked on TAN by all registered Developers.
  • Governance Channel: https://snapshot.org/#/telcoinappvote.eth
  • Developers: Collective-choice authority and associated rules

  • Council Member Selection: Possess the right to select the following number of representatives to each Council.
    • Platform Council: 2 of 8 representatives
    • Treasury Council: 1 of 4 representatives
    • Compliance Council: 1 of 4 representatives
    • TAN Council: 2 of 6 representatives
    • TELx Council 1 of 6 representatives
  • Council Member Selection Rules
  • Council Member Participation: Possess the right to nominate themselves, be selected, and participate in Miner Council decision making processes that provide for, produce, and administer operational improvements and rules.
  • Developers: Constitutional-choice authority and associated rules

  • Altering the Governance System: Possess the right, as a part of the Miner Assembly and using the TGIP process, to alter the Telcoin governance system.
    • Constitutional-choice Rules:
    • Representative Improvements: Possess the right, independent of other Miner Groups and using the TRIP process, to alter their representatives’ position titles, roles, responsibilities, nomination applications and selection criterion.
    • Developers: Operational-choice authority and associated rules

    • Develop mobile apps: Developers possess the right to stake TEL on TAN, develop Telcoin applications on the Telcoin Platform, earn transaction fees from customers, and harvest TEL issuance from TAN based on their user base’s adoption of the Telcoin Platform according to harvesting rules determined by the TAN Council.