
Liquidity Miners: Technology Used

Liquidity Miners use TEL to consume platform services, they use TEL and other crypto assets as inputs to produce DeFi markets and earn fees, stake liquidity provider tokens in TELx to harvest TEL rewards and as political power in governance. They can use any EVM-compatible wallet to participate.

Liquidity Miners: Technology used

Liquidity Miners use TEL to consume platform services, they use TEL and other assets as inputs to produce DeFi markets, stake TELx liquidity provider tokens (LPTs) in TELx contracts, earn TEL fees from trades, harvest TEL issuance from TELx, and use staked TELx LPTs as political power to propose and vote in governance. They can participate in liquidity provision, staking, and governance from any EVM-compatible wallet that enables those functionalities.

Liquidity Miners: TEL Utility

  • TEL Consumption Use: Liquidity Miners use TEL to exchange for other assets using TELx liquidity pools, and pay TEL gas fees on Telcoin Network to have their transactions included in blocks and secured to the blockchain.
  • TEL Production and Harvesting Use: Liquidity Miners provide TEL and other assets to TELx liquidity pools and stake their liquidity provider tokens (LPTs) in TELx incentives contracts.
  • TEL Earning Power: Their proportion of the total liquidity provided to a pool and staked in TELx contracts determines a liquidity miner’s earning power.
    • TEL Exchange fees: Liquidity Miners earn a percentage of all exchange fees through their pools based on their pro-rata share of liquidity in those pools.
    • TEL Issuance: Liquidity Miners harvest TEL issuance from TELx based on their pro-rata share of staked liquidity on TELx.
  • TEL Revenue
    • TEL Exchange Fees: Liquidity Miners earn TEL fees each time users trade TEL for another asset using their liquidity pool.
    • TEL Issuance: Liquidity Miners harvest TEL issuance from TELx staking contracts.
  • TEL Governance Use
    • Political Power: Liquidity Miners’ power within their Miner Group in Telcoin Platform governance is based on their pro-rata share of liquidity staked in TELx. This influences their proposal and voting power in Council Member selection processes and constitutional-choice decisions that affect that governance system rules.
  • Liquidity Miners: Storage and Access Technologies

  • EVM-Compatible Wallet: Liquidity Miners may participate in liquidity provision, staking, and governance from any EVM-compatible wallet that enables those functionalities.
  • Liquidity Miners: Production and Harvesting Technologies

  • TELx assets: Miners provide paired liquidity with TEL and other assets in order to produce the TELx DeFi marketplace.
  • Liquidity Provider Tokens (LPTs): LPTs are the assets liquidity miners receive after providing liquidity to a given pool, and serve to empower them with secure, self-custodial ownership over their percentage of the liquidity pool and the fees it earns. Liquidity miners stake their LPTs in TELx incentives contracts to harvest TEL issuance from TELx.
  • Gas Tokens: Liquidity Miners need TEL and other gas tokens in order to transact on blockchain networks where TELx is located.