
Number of Actors

There are two different types of stakers, including both merchant and retail stakers, who are business and individual Telcoin mobile application customers respectively. There are currently 1,362 participating in the role.

Number of Stakers

There are two different types of Stakers, Merchant and Retail, who are business and individual Telcoin mobile application customers respectively, that choose to participate as stakers.

There are currently 1,362 participating in the role, according to the Telcoin Staker Analytics Dashboard, out of a total eligible user base which includes every individual and business located in jurisdictions serviced by Developers.

Stakers: Total active participants

  • Retail Stakers: 1,362 as of July, 2023
  • Merchant Stakers: 0; governance system and in app-KYB not live.
  • Stakers: Total eligible participants

  • Retail Stakers: The total number of individual persons globally, located in jurisdictions serviced by Developers according to their compliance policies.
  • Merchant Stakers: The total number of businesses globally, located in jurisdictions serviced by Developers according to their compliance policies.
  • Stakers: Get Started

    Are you eligible and ready to participate as a Staker?

  • Learn more here:
  • Stakers: Eligibility and Authorization Rules