
Socioeconomic Attributes

Stakers are business and individual Telcoin mobile application customers who market Telcoin to their payments networks, such as their customers, suppliers, friends, families, and businesses. Their role is to produce adoption of the Telcoin Platform by establishing the system as a shared infrastructure for settling payments with their networks and other blockchain services.

Stakers: Social, Demographic, Economic Attributes

Stakers are business and individual Telcoin mobile application customers who market Telcoin to their payments networks, such as their customers, suppliers, friends, families, businesses, in order to establish the Telcoin Platform as a shared infrastructure for settling payments and transacting using other mobile blockchain services. Their customers on the Telcoin Platform are their referred user base, they earn a percentage of their referred users’ fees and harvest TEL issuance from TAN based on their network’s adoption of the platform and the quantity of TEL they have staked on TAN. Stakers are one of four Miner Groups that share equal power and control in Telcoin governance.

Merchant and Retail Stakers

While all Stakers compete to refer new users and earn referral fees and collaborate as a part of a unified Miner Group in governance, Merchant and Retail Stakers harvest from separate flows of TEL adoption issuance on TAN.

  • Merchant Stakers: Merchant Stakers are business mobile app users who stake TEL and refer new users.
  • Retail Stakers: Retail Stakers are individual mobile app users who stake TEL and refer new users.
  • Stakers: Social Attributes

  • Merchant Stakers: Telcoin mobile app business customers who enter another user's referral code to participate, and market Telcoin to their customers, other businesses and suppliers to settle payments using the Telcoin Platform as infrastructure.
  • Retail Stakers: Telcoin mobile app individual customers who enter another user's referral code to participate, and market Telcoin friends, family, and merchants in their network to settle payments using the Platform as infrastructure.
  • Stakers as Miner Groups: Stakers, both retail and merchant, are empowered as a unified collective unit, one of four “Miner Groups,” that share equal power and control in Telcoin governance based on their functional interests and relationship with the Platform and TEL. An individual staker’s political power is based on their pro-rata share of TEL staked by Telcoin mobile app users.
  • Stakers: Demographic Attributes

  • Merchant Stakers: Businesses that utilize mobile financial services to interact with their customers and suppliers.
  • Retail Stakers: Natural persons that utilize mobile financial services to interact with friends, family, and merchants. Remittance senders, crypto-natives, and any number of individuals are likely to participate.
  • Stakers: Economic Attributes

    Specialization: Marketing and user-growth; stakers refer new users to drive adoption of the Telcoin Platform as an infrastructure for settling payments, accessing other financial and non-financial use cases.

    Customer Base: Merchant Stakers market Telcoin to their customers, suppliers and other businesses, while Retail Stakers market Telcoin to their friends, family, and merchants.

    Capital: Global or local reach depending on the participant, and knowledge of their payment network in terms of flows of funds, types and terms of payment relationships, and customer preferences, which can then be incorporated by Developers into their mobile applications and by the TAN Council into their incentives policies.

  • Merchant Stakers
    • Reach: Local or global depending on the size of the business’s network.
    • Knowledge: Comprehensive understanding of the payment relationships, money flows, preferences of participants within their value chain.
  • Retail Stakers
    • Reach: Local, global through social media or individual's personal network.
    • Knowledge: Local information related to their experience using Telcoin and preferences of potential users in local market.
  • Sources of Income: Earn a percentage of their referred users’ transaction fees and harvest TEL issuance from TAN based on their network’s adoption metrics, the number of new users they successfully refer, and their staked TEL balance.

    TEL Fees: Income from referral fees

    Referral Fees: Stakers earn a percentage of all of their referred users’ transaction fees, distributed in real-time, in TEL, based on the quantity of TEL they have staked.
  • TEL Issuance: Income from TEL issuance on Telcoin Application Network.
      Merchant and Retail Stakers harvest from separate flows of TEL issuance based on adoption metrics as determined by the TAN Council.
    • Maximum Weekly TEL Issuance: Stakers may mine their accrued weekly issuance if their total staked TEL balance throughout the entire week is greater than their lifetime issuance earnings plus issuance income during the week.
      • Formula: Total staked TEL > (TEL issuance income/ lifetime + TEL issuance income/ current week)
    • Excess TEL Issuance: Any excess TEL which has not been mined from TAN due to lack of staked TEL will be distributed back to the TAN Council safe to be allocated by the TAN Council.