
Validators: Socioeconomic Attributes

Validators are GSMA Operator Member MNOs who manage nodes on Telcoin Network. They have a global reach and operate mobile networks all across the world. Their existing customers include all mobile phone users, and they earn gas fees and TEL issuance from block production. Validators are part of four Miner Groups with equal authority in Telcoin governance.

Validators: Social, Demographic, Economic Attributes

Validators are GSMA Operator Member MNOs who manage nodes on Telcoin Network. They have a global reach, local market knowledge, robust infrastructure, and operate mobile networks all across the world.

Their existing customers include all the mobile phone users in the world, their customers on the Platform include all actors that use Telcoin Network, and they earn gas fees, TEL issuance from block production.

Validators are one of four Miner Groups that share equal power and control in Telcoin Platform governance.

Validators: Social Attributes

  • GSMA member MNOs: GSMA member MNOs may participate as validators.
  • Miner Group: Validators are empowered as one of four “Miner Groups,” a collective made up of individual validators that shares equal power and control in Telcoin governance based on their distinct, functional interests and relationship with the Platform and TEL. An individual validator’s political power is based on their pro-rata share of TEL staked for PoS versus other validators.
  • Validators: Demographic Attributes

  • Mobile Network Operators: 667 MNOs with private businesses in the telecom sector. In some cases, these businesses are the largest in their local country based on revenue and customers as a percentage of population.
  • Validators: Economic Attributes

  • Specialization: Block production or “blockchain security” on Telcoin Network. Validators produce and verify blocks of transactions to the Telcoin Network blockchain, enabling users to transact between peers and to access a variety of other blockchain goods and services.
  • Customer Base: Their existing customer-base includes every mobile phone user in the world, and their platform customer base includes every miner and consumer who interacts with any layer of the blockchain system.
  • Capital: Global reach, massive network infrastructure, market knowledge, human capital
  • Platform Sources of Income: Harvest TEL issuance and gas fees from securing blocks to Telcoin Network.
  • Validators: Platform Benefits

    TEL Fees: Income from blockchain network fees (“gas fees”)

  • Gas Fees: Earn gas fees, paid in TEL by users to transact using the network, from each block they secure to the Telcoin Network blockchain.
    • Base Fee: A portion of gas fees in each block are regenerated by Telcoin Network in equal quantity to the TEL Treasury.
    • Priority Fee: Users can choose to pay an extra “fee” that increases the likelihood that their transaction is included in the next block.
  • TEL Issuance: Income from TEL issuance on Telcoin Network

  • Y1 TEL Allocation: Validators harvest from an annual allocation of 200,000,000 TEL and a flow of 547,945.205 TEL per day.
  • Basis Formula for Income: Pro-rata share of blocks secured to the Telcoin Network blockchain each day.