
Validators: Technology Used

Validators use TEL to consume platform services, stake TEL as a production input to participate in PoS consensus and earn TEL rewards, use staked TEL as political power to propose and vote in governance, use a governance-approved wallet address to interact with the blockchain and in governance, and utilize node infrastructure to secure the network.

Validators: Technology used

Validators use TEL to consume platform services, stake TEL as a production input to participate in PoS consensus and earn TEL rewards, use staked TEL as political power to propose and vote in governance, use a governance-approved wallet address to interact with the blockchain and in governance, and utilize node infrastructure to secure the network.

Validators: TEL utility

  • TEL Consumption Use: Validators exchange TEL for other assets using TELx liquidity pools, and pay TEL gas fees on Telcoin Network to have their transactions included in blocks and secured to the blockchain.
  • TEL Production and Harvesting Use: Staked TEL is required to participate in Proof of Stake consensus, ensuring honest computation at risk of stake slashing and an individual validator's stake weight relative to other validators determines their earning power.
  • TEL Earning Power: The quantity of TEL staked by a validator determines the probability they will secure a block to the blockchain, increasing:
    • TEL Harvesting Levels: The quantity of TEL issuance they earn over time.
    • TEL Fees: The amount of fees they harvest from block production over time.
  • TEL Revenue
    • TEL Fees: Validators earn gas fees in TEL paid by consumers to have their transactions included in blocks and secured to the blockchain.
    • TEL Issuance: Validators harvest TEL issuance flows from each block they secure to the Telcoin Network blockchain.
  • TEL Governance Use
    • Political Power: Validators’ power within their Miner Group in Telcoin Platform governance is based on their pro-rata share of TEL staked for PoS consensus on Telcoin Network. This influences their proposal and voting power in Council Member selection processes and constitutional-choice decisions that affect that governance system rules.
  • Validators: Storage and Access technologies

  • Authorized Wallet Address: Validators participate in PoS, earn rewards, vote in governance and secure their validator master key from a wallet address that has been authorized by the Compliance Council.
  • Validators: Production and Harvesting Technologies

  • Node Infrastructure
    • Storage requirements: 2 TB
    • Memory requirements: 64 Gb
    • CPU requirements: 16 cores 45MB Cache, up to 4.7 GHz (based on Intel Xeon W5-3435X)
    • Network Bandwidth: 30Mbps upload / download