
Number of Markets

Six exchange markets on Balancer V2 (Polygon PoS) are currently available for liquidity miners to produce, stake, and harvest TEL. The TELx Council, may use the TELxIP process to allocate TEL issuance in order to assign, add any number of new markets to TELx.

Number of Markets

MarketProtocolIssuance AllocationTime SlotsBasis for AllocationMechanism
TEL/USDC 80:20Balancer V2 (Polygon)2,777,777.78Per calendar monthPro-rata share of staked liquidityTELx Staking Contract
TEL/BAL 80:20Balancer V2 (Polygon)2,777,777.78Per calendar monthPro-rata share of staked liquidityTELx Staking Contract
TEL/DFX/USDC 40:40:20Balancer V2 (Polygon)2,777,777.78Per calendar monthPro-rata share of staked liquidityDFX Staking Contract
TEL/WETH 80:20Balancer V2 (Polygon)2,777,777.78Per calendar monthPro-rata share of staked liquidityTELx Staking Contract
TEL/WMATIC 80:20Balancer V2 (Polygon)2,777,777.78Per calendar monthPro-rata share of staked liquidityTELx Staking Contract
TEL/WBTC 80:20Balancer V2 (Polygon)2,777,777.78Per calendar monthPro-rata share of staked liquidityTELx Staking Contract