
TELx: Infrastructure

TELx consists of a network of liquidity pools on DeFi protocols, a front end website, TEL storage, distribution, extraction facilities, and systems used in management by the TELx Council.

Network Infrastructure

The technological systems involved in the creation, storage, maintenance, generation of TEL within TELx for liquidity miners to harvest and DeFi protocols that facilitate exchange on TELx, managed by the TELx Council using the TELxIP process.
Production Facilities: A network of liquidity pools on DeFi protocols, used for exchange.

Storage Facilities: TELx Council Safe, TELx Distribution Safe.

Distribution Facilities: TELx Staking Manager, TELx Telcoin-Distributor.

Extraction Facilities: Staking contracts, front-end site.
Platform Infrastructure

The underlying blockchain infrastructure systems that TELx system depends on to function.
Telcoin Network: Serves as programmability, execution, settlement, data storage layer for TELx. The system enables the construction of liquidity pools in smart contracts that self-execute exchange and markets production functionality in programmable code, enables users to transfer, exchange their assets through a peer to peer network, and to verify their ownership and transaction history at any time by accessing the open, immutable, distributed ledger the network generates.

Other Blockchains: The other blockchain networks, such as Polygon and Ethereum, which host TELx DeFi markets.