
TELx: Productivity of System

The productivity of TELx is the measurement of both the supply, volume, and fees paid to access the DeFi marketplace over time and the number TEL units that liquidity miners harvest from the system over time.


TELx is a market network that enables the generation of liquidity pools that are used for decentralized exchange and a set of systems that store, distribute, and enable the extraction of TEL units. The productivity of TELx is the measurement of both the DeFi marketplace and the TEL units it produces over time.


DeFi Marketplace

Liquidity miners produce liquid DeFi markets, earning fees each time users exchange their assets.

  • Exchange Liquidity: The total liquidity and assets available for exchange across TELx markets over time.
  • Volume: The total exchange volume through TELx markets over time.
  • Fees: The total exchange fees paid by traders to TELx liquidity pools over time.

    TEL Production

    The TEL Treasury generates a flow of TEL to TELx, which then distributes as issuance to staking contracts. Liquidity miners harvest TEL from TELx staking contracts based on their pro-rata share of liquidity, according to harvesting rules that self-execute in code. The TELx Council possesses authority over TELx rules, and is responsible for ensuring rules are enforced as designed.

  • TELx TEL Treasury Distribution Rate: The number of TEL units distributed from the TEL Treasury to TELx over time.
  • TELx Issuance Rate: The number of TEL units generated by TELx to staking contracts to be harvested by liquidity miners over time.
  • TELx Harvesting Rate: The number of TEL units available to be harvested from the system by miners over time.