
TELx: Marketplace Productivity

The total exchange liquidity, volume, and fees paid to access TELx markets over time.

Exchange Liquidity

Total supply side goods and services produced by miners over time.
TELx Marketplace
Assets: The number of assets available for trading across TELx over time.

Markets: The number of liquidity pools and the total value of liquidity pools over time.

Protocols: The number of DeFi protocols involved in the production of TELx markets.

Liquidity Miners: The number of liquidity miners actively staking TELx liquidity.

Total transaction volume by users interacting with Platform products over time

TELx: Total exchange volume through TELx markets over time.

Telcoin Network: Total transfer volume through the blockchain over time.

Total fees paid by users to miners in consumption and production processes.
Exchange fees: Total fees earned by liquidity miners each year.

Platform: Total fees paid to validators, and burned on Telcoin Network over time