
Compliance Council Improvement Proposal (CCIP) Rules

The process used by the Compliance Council to veto Miner Council proposals, develop authorizations and conflict resolution procedures, and to authorize participants into positions of authority on the platform.


CouncilRepresentationProcess and Domain of AuthorityDecision-making Rules

Compliance Council
Compliance Council
· Members: 4
· Representation: Balanced across all four Miner Groups.
Compliance Improvement Proposal (CCIP)

• Veto authority over all Miner Council proposals
• Compliance,
• Legal and Organizational,
• Conflict Resolution,
• Actor Authorizations
Proposal Authority: TAO, Compliance Council

Approval: 3 out of 4
Quorum: 75%
Duration: 72 hours
Channel: telcoincompliancecouncil.eth

CCIP: Position, Eligibility and Authorization Rules

Proposal Authors

  • CCIP Forum Channel: Any registered member of the Telcoin forum may submit a CCIP to the CCIP forum channel for review and requests for comments.
  • Compliance Council Snapshot: All Compliance Council members holding a CCNFT, TAO members or other designated authors as determined by the Miner Assembly may submit CCIP proposals to the Compliance Council snapshot for voting.
  • Voters

  • Compliance Council: All Compliance Council members holding a CCNFT may vote on a CCIP veto proposal.
  • Implementation units

  • Compliance Council: Responsible for instructing, coordinating, or administering the implementation of new policies and procedures internally or with third-parties.
  • TAO: At the request of the Compliance Council, enforces rules, maintains and alters existing components, assists with the coordination of third parties to construct new facilities, and documents the outcome of CCIP proposals on

    CCIP: Choice Rules

    The following actions are permitted, required, and forbidden to be undertaken using the CCIP process by the Compliance Council and other involved actors.

    Permitted Actions

    Using the CCIP process, the Compliance Council is permitted to:

  • Veto Proposals: The Compliance Council may veto any Miner Council proposals using the CCIP process at any point during the voting process and up to 72 hours after it has been approved by the relevant Miner Council(s).

      Example: A CCIP proposal to veto a TELIP proposal that would distribute issuance from the TEL treasury beyond sustainable levels.

  • Authorizations: The Compliance Council may authorize Miners, Council Members, and operational contributors using the CCIP process.

      Example: A proposal to authorize a new Validator.

  • Authorizations Process: The Compliance Council may introduce and alter new and existing authorizations processes.

      Example: A proposal to create a KYC/AML process to verify the identity of new Council Members.

  • Conflict-Resolution Processes: The Compliance Council may develop and refine conflict-resolution processes.

      Example: A proposal to create a new conflict-resolution process using discord and google forms.

  • Required Actions

    Using the CCIP process, the Compliance Council is required to:

  • Veto proposals that violate laws, rules, and shared values.
    • Violations: The Compliance Council must veto proposals with the following characteristics including proposals that are, Illegal, not compliant Telcoin rules-in-use, against the Telcoin shared values and/or code of conduct, and proposals that would result in a transfer of TEL units to an unintended address.
    • Rationale & Feedback: All Compliance Council members who vote to veto a proposal must share their rationale at the time of the vote with recommendations for the author.
  • Develop authorization and conflict resolution processes in the first month of the first term.
    • Authorization Process Development: The Compliance Council must develop and implement an authorization process for Council members within the first first month of its first term.
    • Conflict Resolution Process Development: The Compliance Council must develop and implement an authorization process for Council members within the first first month of its first term.
  • Forbidden Actions

    Using the CCIP process, the Compliance Council is forbidden to:

  • Violating Telcoin’s mission, vision, values, and code of general conduct.
  • Proposing something that involves others without their consent.

    CCIP: Decision-making Rules

    Proposal Rules


  • CCIP Forum Proposal: Anyone may submit a prospective CCIP veto proposal for review to the CCIP Telcoin forum channel at any time.
  • Compliance Council Veto Proposal: At any point during an improvement proposal voting process and within 72 hours after it has been affirmed by the relevant Council, Compliance Council or Telcoin Foundation members may submit a veto proposal to the Compliance Council snapshot using the CCIP process.
  • Process Improvement

  • CCIP Forum Proposal: Anyone may submit a prospective CCIP process improvement proposal for review to the CCIP Telcoin forum channel at any time.
  • Authorizations

  • Authorizations Forum Proposal: Anyone may submit a prospective Miner or operational contributor to the associated channels on the Telcoin forum at any time for review.
  • Voting Rules

    Compliance Council Voting: The Compliance Council must vote with 3/4 approval rate from members within 72 hours from submission in order to approve a CCIP proposal.

  • Approval (Veto) Rate: 3/4
  • Quorum: 75%
  • Duration: 72 hours (3 days)
  • CCIP Veto Voting Rules

  • Overview: Up to 72 hours after a Miner Council has affirmed a proposal, the Compliance Council may vote to veto an improvement proposal with a 3/4 approval rate, or else the proposal will be affirmed, implemented, and documented.
  • Outcomes
    • Veto: The proposal will be vetoed. Compliance Council members who voted to veto the proposal must provide their rationale and constructive feedback at the time of the vote.
    • No Veto (Approved): If the Compliance Council fails to veto a proposal, it will be affirmed, implemented, and documented.

    CCIP: Implementation, Documentation, Communication Rules

    Implementation Rules

  • The Compliance Council works within their organizations and externally with third parties such as the Telcoin Foundation and other firms to implement the proposal as outlined in the implementation section of the CCIP.
  • Documentation Rules

  • The proposal author is required to document the proposal in by updating the forum post and adding the affirmed proposal to the CCIP documentation section chronologically.
  • Communication Rules

  • The proposal author must share the the link to the proposal to the CCIP updates section of the Telcoin discord after submitting it the Compliance Council snapshot, and after it is affirmed or rejected by the Compliance Council.
  • CCIP: Information, Communication, Governance Channels

  • Forum Channels:
  • Communication Channel:
  • Compliance Council Snapshot:

    CCIP Processes: Veto, Authorizations, Process Improvement

    The CCIP process may be used by the Compliance Council to (1) veto Miner Council improvement proposals, (2) to authorize new participants into positions on the Platform, (3) introduce and improve conflict resolution and authorizations processes. Each proposal type differs in terms of procedural requirements.

    CCIP Veto Process

    The following process is used by the Compliance Council to veto Miner Council improvement proposals (e.g. a TIP, TELIP, TELxIP, or TANIP).

  • CCIP Proposal: At any point during the IP process and up to 72 hours after the Miner Council IP is affirmed by the relevant Miner Councils, a Compliance Council or TAO member submits a proposal to veto the Improvement Proposal to the Compliance Council Snapshot.
  • Compliance Council Vote: The Compliance Council must vote to veto the proposal within 72 hours after it is approved by the relevant Councils, or else the proposal will be approved. The Compliance Council members who vote to veto the proposal, must provide their rationale and feedback at the time of the vote.
    • Approval (Veto) Rate: 3/4
    • Quorum: 75%
    • Duration: 72 hours (3 days)
  • Implementation: If the proposal is approved, the following actions take place
    • Social: The relevant Councils either implement the improvement or works with the TAO or other third parties to implement the update.
    • TEL Transfers: TEL is transferred from the relevant Council Safe to the intended address as a result of the affirmation of the proposal.
  • Documentation: The Proposal Author from the relevant Council coordinates with the TAO to update IP documentation.
  • CCIP Authorizations Procedure

    The following CCIP process is used by the Compliance Council to authorize new Miners(where applicable), Council Members, and operational contributors.

  • Forum Proposal: The prospective participant submits an authorization proposal to the respective authorizations channel on the Telcoin Forum.
  • Compliance Council Proposal: A Compliance Council or TAO member submits the authorizations proposal to the Compliance Council snapshot for voting.
  • Compliance Council Vote: Within 72 hours of submission, the Compliance Council votes to either approve or reject the prospective participant.
    • Approval Rate: 3/4
    • Quorum Rate: 75%
    • Duration: 72 hours
  • Authorization (or rejection): The new participant is either approved or rejected.
  • Documentation: The proposal author from the Compliance Council coordinates with the TAO to update authorizations documentation.
  • CCIP Process Development Procedure

    The following CCIP process is used by the Compliance Council to develop, alter and implement authorizations and conflict resolutions processes and systems.

  • Forum Proposal: A forum member submits the CCIP proposal to the CCIP channel on the Telcoin Forum.
  • Compliance Council Proposal: A Compliance Council or TAO member submits the CCIP proposal to the Compliance Council snapshot.
  • Compliance Council Vote: Within 72 hours of submission, the Compliance Council votes to either approve or reject the proposal
  • Implementation: If the proposal is approved, the Compliance Council implements on its own, with the TAO, or another party as outlined in the proposal.
  • Documentation: The proposal author from the Compliance Council coordinates with the TAO to update documentation.

    CCIP Proposal Template: Processes Development

  • Abstract: Please share a brief summary 2-3 of the proposed changes.
  • Specification: Please give a complete description of the changes that will be made.
  • Rationale: Please provide a rationale for the changes.
  • Implementation: Please provide details related to who will take what steps to implement the changes.