
TEL Improvement Proposal (TELIP) Rules

The process used by the Platform and Treasury Councils to set, enforce and refine the rules related to the TEL Treasury, Telcoin Network, and all other platform-wide policies.


CouncilsRepresentationProcess, Domain of AuthorityDecision-making Rules

Platform Council, Treasury Council
Platform Council
· Members: 8
· Representation: Balanced across all four Miner Groups.

Treasury Council
· Members: 4
· Representation: Balanced across all four Miner Groups.

TEL Improvement Proposal (TELIP)

Platform-wide rules
that involve the TEL Treasury, TEL token contract, Telcoin Network, the Telcoin Association Constitution, and governance infrastructure.
1. Platform Council: Must approve before submitting to the Treasury Council

Approval: 6 out of 8
Quorum: 100%
Duration: 120 hours
Channel: telcoinplatformcouncil.eth

2. Treasury Council: Must vote after the Platform Council has affirmed.

Approval: 4 out of 4
Quorum: 100%
Duration: 72 hours
Channel: telcointreasurycouncil.eth

TELIP Position and Boundary Rules

Proposal Authors

  • TELIP Forum: Any registered member of the Telcoin forum may submit a TELIP to the TELIP forum channel for review by the community.
  • Platform Council: All Platform Council members holding a PCNFT, Telcoin Autonomous Ops, Ltd (TAO) members or other designated authors as determined by the Miner Assembly may submit TELIP proposals to the Platform Council snapshot for voting.
  • Treasury Council: After a TELIP proposal has been affirmed by the Platform Council, Platform members holding a PCNFT, TAO members or other designated authors as determined by the Miner Assembly may submit TELIP proposals to the Treasury Council snapshot for voting.
  • Veto: All Compliance Council and TAO members, using the CCIP process, may submit TELIP veto proposals to the Compliance Council snapshot at any point during the formal voting process and within 72 hours afterwards.
  • Voters

  • Platform Council: All Platform Council members holding a PCNFT may vote on a TELIP in the Platform Council snapshot.
  • Treasury Council: All Treasury Council members holding a TCNFT may vote on a TELIP in the Treasury Council snapshot.
  • Compliance Council: All Compliance Council members holding a CCNFT may vote to veto A TELIP using the CCIP process.
  • Implementation units

  • Platform Council: Responsible for instructing, coordinating, or administering the implementation of new rules, procedures, improvements related to platform-wide facilities, communication channels, and governance infrastructure either internally or with third-parties.
  • Treasury Council: Responsible for instructing, coordinating, or administering the implementation of new rules, procedures, improvements related to the TEL treasury and simulates transactions to ensure they reach the intended destination, either internally or with third-parties.
  • TAO: At the request of the Platform and/or Treasury Council, enforces rules, maintains and alters existing components, assists with the coordination of third parties to construct new facilities, and documents the outcome of TELIP proposals on
  • TELIP: Authority Rules

    TELIP proposals may be used to approve and implement platform-wide rules involving TEL, the TEL Treasury inventory, storage facilities, distribution mechanisms, Telcoin Network, the governance infrastructure and all other global operational rules.

    Permitted Actions

    Using the TELIP process, system-wide councils are permitted to:

  • Platform-wide, Treasury Proposals: Any proposal that involves the TEL Treasury inventory, storage and distribution including:
  • Platform Provisioning and Development: Improvements that provide for the construction and maintenance of public goods.

      Example: The Councils vote to launch a Telcoin merchandise marketplace, specify the requirements, and distribute TEL issuance to the producers responsible for implementation.

  • TEL: Treasury, Token Contracts
    • TEL Treasury Inventory and Allocation Rules: Proposals that alter the annual allocation of TEL issuance from the Treasury to networks treasuries and governing Council members.

        Example: A proposal to reduce TEL issuance to meet the sustainability formula in which the total quantity of annual issuance must equal the total quantity of TEL burned and minted each year.

    • TEL Treasury Storage & Distribution Mechanisms: Proposals that alter the infrastructure used to store and distribute TEL issuance from the TEL treasury.

        Example: A proposal to replace TEL Treasury sablier streams with another mechanism.

    • TEL Token and Redemption Contracts: Proposals that alter the TEL token contract and token swap contracts.
  • Governance Infrastructure: Proposals that alter the infrastructure used to govern and manage the system.
    • Example: A proposal that changes the TELx Council snapshot to another governance technology, such as Aragon.
  • Telcoin Network: After Telcoin Network is live with 10, authorized block producing validators with TEL staked for PoS consensus, proposals that alter Telcoin Network rules and systems.
    • Example: A proposal that alters the allocation and basis formulas for Telcoin Network issuance.
  • Telcoin Association and other legal structures
    • Dissolution: Proposals that dissolve the Telcoin Association in favor of a new entity.
    • Mission, Vision, Values: Proposals that add, subtract, or otherwise alter the Mission Vision and Values articulated in the Telcoin Association Constitution.
  • Forbidden Actions

    Using the TELIP process, system-wide councils are forbidden to:

  • Violating Telcoin’s mission, vision, values, and code of general conduct.
  • Proposing something that involves others without their consent
  • TELIP: Decision-making Rules

    Proposal Rules

  • TELIP Forum Proposal: Anyone may submit a prospective TELIP for review to the TELIP Telcoin forum channel.
  • Platform Council Proposal: Platform Council members, TAO members, and any other designated author on the Platform Council snapshot may submit TELIP proposals to the Platform Council snapshot for voting.
    • Requirements: The proposal author must properly codify the TELIP proposal in chronological order.

        Example: The first TELIP proposal should be coded as [TELIP1].

  • Treasury Council Proposals: After the Platform Council has affirmed a proposal, the Proposal Author may submit the TELIP proposal to the Treasury Council snapshot for voting.
    • Requirements: If a proposal author submits a proposal to the Treasury Council snapshot prior to affirmation by the Platform Council, the Compliance Council must veto the proposal.
  • Compliance Council Veto Proposal: At any point during the TELIP voting process and within 72 hours after it has been affirmed by the Treasury Council, Compliance Council or TAO members may submit a veto proposal to the Compliance Council snapshot using the CCIP process.
  • Voting Rules

    Platform Council Voting: The Platform Council must vote with 6/8 approval within 120 hours (5 days) from snapshot proposal submission, or else the proposal will not pass.

  • Approval Rate: 6/8
  • Duration: 120 hours (5 days)
  • Outcomes
    • Approved: The proposal author may submit the TELIP proposal to the Treasury Council snapshot for voting.
    • Rejected: Council members who vote against a proposal or abstain must provide a rationale and changes that would be needed to pass a proposal.
  • Treasury Council Voting: The Treasury Council must vote with 4/4 approval within 72 hours from TELIP proposal submission to the Treasury Council snapshot, or else the proposal will not pass.

  • Approval Rate: 4/4
  • Duration: 72 hours
  • Outcomes
    • Approved: The proposal will be automatically submitted to the Compliance Council guard for review.
    • Rejected: Treasury Council members who vote against or abstain from a proposal must share their rationale and constructive feedback with the proposal author when they submit their vote.
  • Compliance Council Veto: In the 72 hours after the Treasury Council has affirmed a proposal, a Compliance Council member may submit a veto proposal to the Compliance Council snapshot and the Council may veto the TELIP proposal with a 3/4 approval rate, or else the proposal will be affirmed, implemented, and documented.

  • Approval (Veto) Rate: 3/4
  • Duration: 72 hours (3 days)
  • Outcomes
    • Veto: The proposal will be vetoed. Compliance Council members who voted to veto the proposal must provide their rationale and constructive feedback at the time of the vote.
    • No Veto(Approved): If the Compliance Council fails to veto a proposal, it will be affirmed, implemented, and documented.
  • TELIP: Implementation, Documentation, Communication Rules

    Implementation Rules

  • The Platform Council, Treasury Council and/or Compliance Council work within their organizations and externally with third parties such as the TAO and other firms to implement the proposal as outlined in the implementation section of the TELIP.
  • Documentation Rules

  • The proposal author is required to document the proposal in by updating the forum post and adding the affirmed proposal to the TELIP documentation section chronologically.
  • Communication Rules

  • The proposal author must share the the link to the proposal to the TIP updates section of the Telcoin discord after submitting it the Platform Council, after it is affirmed or rejected by the Platform Council, after submitting it to the Treasury Council, after it is affirmed or rejected by the Treasury Council, and after it is either vetoed or not by the Compliance Council.
  • Information, Communication, Governance Channels

  • Forum Channel:
  • Communications Channel:
  • Platform Council Snapshot:
  • Treasury Council Snapshot:
  • Compliance Council Snapshot:
  • TELIP: Process

  • TELIP Forum Proposal: Forum members submit a proposal to TELIP channel on the Telcoin forum.
  • Platform Council Proposal: A Platform Council, TAO member, or other designated author on the Platform Council snapshot page decides to submits the proposal to the Platform Council Snapshot for voting.
  • Platform Council Vote: The Platform Council must vote with 6/8 approval within 120 hours (5 days) from Platform Council snapshot proposal submission, or else the proposal will not pass.
    • Approval Rate: 6/8
    • Duration: 120 hours (5 days)
  • Treasury Council Proposal: After the TELIP has been affirmed by the Platform Council, the proposal author may submit the TELIP to the Treasury Council snapshot for voting.
  • Treasury Council Vote: The Treasury Council must vote with 4/4 approval within 120 hours (5 days) from Treasury Council snapshot proposal submission, or else the proposal will not pass.
    • Approval Rate: 4/4
    • Duration: 72 hours or 3 days
  • Compliance Council Veto Proposal: At any point during the TELIP voting process and within 72 hours after it has been affirmed by the Treasury Council, Compliance Council or TAO members may submit a veto proposal to the Compliance Council snapshot using the CCIP process.
  • Compliance Council Vote: The Compliance Council must vote to veto the proposal within 72 hours after it is approved by the Treasury Council, or else the proposal will be approved.
    • Approval (Veto) Rate: 3/4
    • Duration: 72 hours (3 days)
  • Implementation:
    • Off-Chain: The Platform Council, Treasury Council, or Compliance Council either implements the proposal itself or works with the TAO or other third parties to implement the update.
    • TEL Transfers: TEL is transferred from the Treasury Wallet to the intended address as a result of the affirmation of the proposal.
  • Documentation: The Proposal Author from the Platform Council coordinates with the TAO (or another administrator as determined by the Platform Council) to update TELIP documentation.
  • TELIP: Proposal Template

  • Abstract: Please share a brief summary 2-3 of the proposed changes.
  • Specification: Please give a complete description of the changes that will be made.
  • Rationale: Please provide a rationale for the changes.
  • Implementation: Please provide details related to who will take what steps to implement the changes.
  • Transactions: Please follow the below instructions to make a TEL transfer.
    • In order to send TEL to an address, after the voting options screen there is a transaction creation screen. Click Add Transaction Batch, set type to Transfer Funds, set asset to TEL, set the appropriate To address, and finally input the desired amount of TEL.
  • TNIP

    TNIPs as a Subsidiary to TELIPs:

    Telcoin Network Improvement Proposals (TNIPs) are a subsidiary process to the TELIP process, specifically focused on the technical and protocol implementation details of the Telcoin Network. The main motivation behind TNIPs is to discuss feature designs transparently and coordinate engineering efforts effectively.

  • Before Mainnet Launch with quorum:
    • Role of TAO: Prior to the Telcoin Network mainnet launch with 10 authorized validators, TNIPs are utilized by Telcoin Autonomous Operations Ltd. (TAO) to propose technical changes and upgrades to the Telcoin Network.
    • Primary Method: During this period, TNIPs serve as the primary method for introducing technical enhancements to the network.
  • After Mainnet Launch with quorum:
    • Prerequisite for TELIPs: Once the Telcoin Network mainnet is live with 10 validators staking TEL for proof-of-stake consensus, TNIPs become a prerequisite for proposing technical changes through the TELIP process.
    • Formal Approval via TELIP: All TNIPs must be formally approved using the TELIP process to be implemented on the Telcoin Network.
    • Proposal Origination: While it's encouraged that all technical proposals originate as TNIPs, it is not strictly required by the TELIP rules. However, proposals lacking a proper TNIP are unlikely to receive approval due to the system's technical complexity and mission-critical nature.
  • For more detailed information on TNIPs, please visit This resource provides comprehensive guidelines on the TNIP process and how to participate.