
Developers: Eligibility and Authorization Rules

All GSMA members located in non-sanctioned jurisdictions who are approved by the Compliance Council, stake TEL on TAN, and deploy a compliant Telcoin mobile application may participate as a Developer.

Developers Eligibility Rules: Required Attributes

The required characteristics an individual actor must possess to participate in the position of Application Developer, harvest TEL issuance and participate in governance.

  • Organizational Requirements: All GSMA Members are eligible to participate as Application Developers.
  • Location Requirements: The entity must be located in a non-sanctioned country according to the United States OFAC/FINCEN sanctions list.
  • Developers: Conditions for Participation

    The actions an individual must take to enter, maintain, and exit the position of Application Developer in order to harvest TEL issuance and participate in governance.

    Developers: Entry Rules

    In order to participate in position of Developer, eligible entities must use the following authorization process:

  • Forum Proposal: The prospective developer, the Telcoin Association Operations Unit (TAO), or another forum member must submit an Application Developer authorizations proposal to the “Authorizations: Developers” channel of the Telcoin Association forum.
    • Forum Channel:
    • Required Information: Wallet address to be used for staking TEL and voting; business Information including GSMA membership status and business plan.
  • CCIP Proposal: A TAO or Compliance Council member may submit the authorizations proposal for the prospective Developer to the Compliance Council Snapshot.
    • Compliance Council Snapshot:
  • Authorization: The Compliance Council will then approve (or deny) the Developer.
  • Proof of Alignment: The Developer must stake TEL from their authorized wallet address to participate in harvesting TEL issuance from TAN and governance with their Miner Group.
  • Deployment: Once the Developer has deployed their Telcoin Mobile Application, they may begin to participate.
  • Developers: Rules for Maintaining Position

    In order to maintain the position of Developer, participants must:

  • Staked TEL: Developers must maintain a staked TEL balance from their governance-authorized wallet address in order to continue harvesting TEL issuance from Telcoin Application Network (TAN) and to participate in governance.
  • Application Infrastructure: The required systems and processes a Developer must deploy, maintain, administer within their Telcoin mobile application in order to harvest TEL from TAN.
  • Compliance Requirements
    • Licensure: Licensed to provide money transmission or banking services in all operating jurisdictions where applicable.
  • Developers: Exit Rules

    The rules for how a Developer may or must exit their position.

  • Unstake TEL: Developers may exit their position at any time by removing their entire staked TEL balance.
  • Sanctions: The Compliance Council may sanction Developers for failing to adhere to application infrastructure standards by revoking their right to vote and harvest TEL issuance after multiple repeated offenses in a graduated manner according to the seriousness of the transaction.