
Validators: Eligibility and Authorization Rules

All GSMA Operator Member MNOs using a GSM family technology who are approved by the Compliance Council, stake TEL for proof-of-stake consensus and deploy, and manage a node on Telcoin Network may participate as Validators.


Validators Eligibility Rules: Required Attributes

The required characteristics an individual actor must possess in order to participate in the position of Validator, harvest TEL issuance, and participate in governance.

  • Organizational Requirements: All GSMA Operator Member MNOs using a GSM family technology are eligible to participate.
  • Location Requirements: The entity must be located in a non-sanctioned country according to the United States OFAC/FINCEN sanctions list.
  • Validators: Conditions for Participation

    The actions an individual must take to enter, maintain, and exit the position of Validator in order to harvest TEL issuance and participate in governance.

    Entry Rules

    The conditions that must be met in order to an individual to enter the position of Validator.

    Authorization Process

    In order to participate in position of Validator, eligible entities must use the following authorization process:

  • Forum Proposal: The applicant, the TAO, or another forum member must submit a Validator authorizations proposal to the “Authorizations: Validators” channel of the Telcoin forum.
    • Forum Link:
    • Information to Include: Wallet address to be used for Validation; Business Information including GSMA membership status.
  • CCIP Proposal: The TAO or any Miner Council Member may submit the CCIP authorizations proposal for the prospective Validator to the Compliance Council Snapshot for review and authorization.
    • Compliance Council Snapshot:
  • Authorization: The Compliance Council will then approve(or deny) the Validator.
  • Proof of Stake: The Validator stakes TEL from their governance-approved wallet address and begins producing blocks on Telcoin Network. The Validator’s stake is verified when joining the network to ensure only authorized node operators can participate.
  • Rules for Maintaining Position

    In order to maintain the position of Validator, participants must:

  • Stake TEL: Validators must have a staked TEL balance for PoS at all times to continue harvesting TEL from Telcoin Network and to participate in governance.
  • Exit Rules

    The rules for how a participant may or must exit the position of Validator.

  • Unstake TEL: Validators may exit their position at any time by removing their entire staked TEL balance.